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If you are taking a first responder course, it's important that you do some background reading, so on our video online courses, you will learn more of the theory, you go through your test and in the classroom, you will do practical exercises and do all your tests and exams there. But the idea is also to gain some additional reading. So the first book we really recommend is one that we would include on our courses is the First Responder Care Essentials. Now, this has all the key information you need. So everything in this book is on the course, so having this knowledge before you turn up on your class and also reading alongside while you are doing the online courses will massively increase your training and knowledge because a lot of the answers for your test, for the first responder on scene course, you are going to find inside this book. So any revision study you can use before the course before and you take a test. It's a very good reference book. When you got any of these books it's always worth just writing them, highlighting stuff, so it's really obvious as you read through.

Now, that's the sort of entry-level book, it's absolutely fine just having this book for a course, but if you are running the course or doing the course and you want an additional reading, then one book we do refer to quite a lot as JRCALC. This is really the reference book of the out-of-hospital emergency and the paramedic's side. Some of this book is way outside the league of a first responder course 'cause it talks about all the medications, missing pieces, but it's a really good reference for looking up information, whereas this book you would just use more for reading and studying and reading it cover to cover. This one here, just for reference, and they also do a smaller pocket version of it as well, and if you want to take your reading a little bit further, or if you want to move on to the level four qualifications, then ambulance care practice is a better book.

It's got a lot of the information in the other one, but a lot more. So this is a good book for taking your responder training further. What we find a lot of people do is they come on the course as a level 3 course, and they read this book, and then the book that they then buy is this one because it gives an additional knowledge, so now they've got that background knowledge, this is a better one to go with. Now, these three books, as well as lots of other books are all available on the ProTrainings website from any of our sites, just go to the bottom of the page to connect to the store and also on first aid online, just look for the book section on there. Other books can be books on ECGs, books on human anatomy, physiology. There is lots and lots there, so have a look and see what you want. They are all standard stock items for us, so just get in touch if you do want digital versions of books as well, some of these books, we do also offer as digital manuals.